I'm a photographic artist. In 1982, my good friend Ian Williams taught me how to use a camera and how to develop film and print photos in his fathers dark-room at the bottom of his garden before Ian went off to train at RADA. That was on an old AE-1, I was given a newer Canon A1 and I never looked back.
I took photo's for the Youth Theatre "Stage '65" at Salisbury Playhouse for their Front of House Displays, and I took portraits for young actors. Then I went off to drama school and took my camera with me. Briefly but memorably I worked for Max Baker delivering film and picking up props for his Studio at Africa House along the Kingsway in the late eighties.
In the nineties although working in theatre and consulting in the youth arts sector, I spent too many years without my own camera and shall be ever grateful to my father for buying me a Canon EOS and to Max for introducing me to the world of digital and getting me back on track again.
A Nikon or two later and once again, I use my images to tell stories, to record memories, to share experiences.
Photo by Chris Baker, 1989
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