Hello, how are you?

Another New Year dawns, grey and a little bleak this year. I've been working outdoors a lot throughout 2017, it's been challenging, in some very intensive weather conditions but I'm still standing! I have also managed to catch up with some old friends and bumped into people I haven't seen for over thirty years and whom it was a great pleasure to meet again, hug them and say 'hello, how are you?'
Time gives you a deeper understanding of yourself, your purpose and the world but it also takes away bits of you, it gently erodes your overall health and it takes away friends and family and memories. We are slowed down for a purpose by the aging process, we are urged to consider more deeply, to take in the journey and stop propelling ourselves forward with such intensity. We grow in power but diminish in stature - this year I am going to attempt to address my one regret - a lost friendship, value myself more and, as a very resilient and clever lady I know has suggested 'project showers of joy'. Living in a country with a good track record of rain in all seasons, this shouldn't be too difficult. Stepping back into the past and facing a sorrow will be harder but cleansing.
My automatic response when anyone asks me how I am - is usually a variation on "I'm fine thanks" whether I am or not. This year I'm going to remember that I have mercifully outgrown my idiot years and answer with a simple statement "It's good to see you". Having people in our lives is such a blessing and we should cherish them more, all of them, even the difficult ones.
However your New Year began, I hope that you give yourself time to be present and enjoy the journey, I wish you showers of joy and it's good to see you here, drop by again. Have a wonderful 2018. J. xxx